7th Apr 2015
Gold Coast Flowers To Honor Your Graduate
It is graduation season and what better way to let your graduate know you are proud of them with creative flower ideas from gold coast flowers. We want to make your graduation party stand out. So, skip out on boring black mortarboard and decorate with bold colors. Decorating with school colors stays within the graduation theme and allows plenty of room to personalize flowers and get your creative juices going. Coordinate table cloths and flowers for a party that is full of school spirit. Another great option is graduation centerpieces. These fun floral spheres are a versatile way to decorate with school colors. We love the lush look of carnations! However, any flower that matches your color scheme will work just fine. Rest them in a vase, on a candlestick for a tall centerpiece or hang them from the ceiling like disco balls! If you don’t have room for a centerpiece you can still decorate with flowers. Votive candle holders transform easily into bud vases for an elegant way to distribute pops of color throughout the room.
If you truly want to make your party as unique as your graduate consider decorating with some flower garland. All over the world flower garland is being used to celebrate special events. Instead of streamers, make a long flower garland with carnations coordinated with the school colors. Don’t forget to decorate the backs of chairs and tops of doorways. Repurpose that graduation wreath into party decorations. Use a selection of fresh flowers in school colors to decorate a mortarboard and display it as a centerpiece. Greet guests with fresh flowers they can wear for a modern spin on a traditional corsage. Finally, take a walk down memory lane with by gathering up yearbook photos and various photos from the grad’s youth. Photocopy them and wrap them around vases. Personalize a photo graduation frame and place it near the guest book! Your party is flower ready to impress your guests and honor your graduate.