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1st Mar 2013

Caring for your Gold Coast Flowers...

When you first get your cut Gold Coast flowers home, you will want to prepare a clean vase with fresh water and the flower food that came with them.  Be sure to trim off any leaves that could dip below the water line to avoid contaminating the water with any bacteria that may be on them.  Next you will want to cut the stems diagonally about 2cm from the base and then arrange them as you wish in the water.  Avoid putting them next to anything that generates heat, like a TV or mircowave, and keep them out of direct sunlight to prevent them from overheating.  In addition, be sure to keep them away from ripening fruits and remove any dead or dying flowers from the vase as they start to decay.  Keeping the water clean and using the cut flower food provided will help extend the life of your flowers.